Monday, February 10, 2025

Treatment For Peripheral Neuropathy – If you’re experiencing symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, it’s time to see a doctor. Several blood tests can be ordered to rule out other diseases or conditions that may be causing your symptoms. Your doctor may also check your levels of vitamin B12 and folate and examine your kidney function. Treatment for peripheral neuropathy will depend on the cause, as well as your overall health. Your doctor will also look at your medications and alcohol intake.

Effective Treatment for Peripheral Neuropathy

Because of the complexity of peripheral neuropathy, it is important to seek a medical evaluation. While there are standard treatments available, some people find they only achieve partial relief. This is why people are often tempted to try alternative therapies, but evidence for their effectiveness is limited. And, they can also interfere with ongoing treatment. That’s why it’s vital to find a specialist that can provide you with an effective treatment for peripheral neuropathy.

There are underlying medical causes for peripheral neuropathy as well. Some of these factors include diabetes, trauma, and infection. In addition to autoimmune diseases, peripheral neuropathy is caused by diabetes, a condition that causes nerve damage throughout the body. Diabetes is the most common cause in the United States, but there are many other possible causes of nerve damage. Fortunately, treatments are available to reduce or eliminate these risks. In addition to medical treatments, undergoing physical therapy may be the best choice for some people.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be used to alleviate pain caused by peripheral neuropathy. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) block the production of prostaglandin, a chemical that sends pain signals to the brain. This type of medication reduces inflammation and improves overall pain relief. Many over-the-counter pain medications can be used as a treatment for peripheral neuropathy. These medications can also be prescribed by a doctor.

Minimally Invasive Peripheral Neuropathy Surgical Procedure

Another form of treatment for peripheral neuropathy is surgery. Surgical procedures may be used to relieve pressure on a nerve, such as in cases of entrapped nerves or herniated discs. Luckily, many peripheral neuropathy surgical procedures are minimally invasive, meaning fewer incisions and smaller equipment. Patients recover faster and with less pain. They may even be able to undergo surgery as a day-in-weekend procedure.

Non-drug treatments for peripheral neuropathy include exercises, massage, acupuncture, and stress reduction. Patients can try non-drug treatments such as hot and cold packs, or even try therapeutic exercises. In some cases, doctors may recommend using a machine that interrupts nerve messages by delivering a small electric current. Ultimately, this method can help patients achieve better quality of life and improve their quality of life.

Nerve conduction studies are a simple test that evaluates the speed at which electrical signals pass through nerves. An electromyogram is a noninvasive test that measures electrical properties of the nerve. Abnormalities in nerve conduction speed are indicative of peripheral neuropathy. Alternatively, an epidermal skin biopsy can be done. When a diagnosis has been made, a treatment plan can be developed. When done correctly, nerve conduction studies can help patients improve their quality of life and reduce medication doses.

Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy Including Vitamin Deficiency

Some other causes of peripheral neuropathy include vitamin deficiencies or malnutrition. Increasing your vitamin intake through multivitamins, B12 injections, or a diet rich in foods rich in B12 can prevent or treat this disorder. Certain types of cancer can also damage peripheral nerves. Infections can also damage peripheral nerves. Although this may not be an immediate cause, treatment for peripheral neuropathy is crucial to a person’s health.

In order to treat peripheral neuropathy, you must address any underlying conditions. In particular, excessive alcohol consumption can cause damage to nerves. It is difficult to quit smoking, but there are many programs and medications that help. You should limit your alcohol intake to a maximum of two or three drinks a day. If you’re prone to developing autoimmune peripheral neuropathy, your doctor may prescribe medications or IV infusions. One of these medications is azathioprine, which is an immunosuppressive medication. Another option is plasmapheresis, which involves removing your blood, separating immune cells and antibodies from it and returning it to you.

You should also talk to your doctor about the types of medications you can take to ease your pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can help reduce the pain in a small area, while anti-seizure medications can control seizure activity. You should also consult with your doctor if you’re experiencing long-term symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. This is especially true if you have diabetes, kidney disease, or other conditions that can make pain worse.


Martyn, C. N., and RA1074084 Hughes. “Epidemiology of peripheral neuropathy.” Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry 62.4 (1997): 310.

Tesfaye, Solomon, and Dinesh Selvarajah. “Advances in the epidemiology, pathogenesis and management of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.” Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews 28 (2012): 8-14.

Dr Aline Wersey
Dr Aline Wersey
I work in the medical field as a doctor. I love sharing my knowledge with many people and the important thing why you should believe in me is that I am a specialist. Really love to read many journals.

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