Friday, October 18, 2024

Ulnar Nerve Root Injury – The ulnar nerve is one of the five major branches of the brachial plexus, the nerve system that provides movement and sensory input for the arms and shoulders. It originates in the cervical spine and runs through the armpit, ending near the axillary artery. There are several branches of the ulnar nerve, including those that innervate the digit minimi and flexor carpi ulnaris.

The Importance of the Ulnar Nerve for Hand Function

The ulnar nerve is an important nerve because it helps the hands and arm grip objects. It also controls movement and sensation in the hand. A bump on the ulnar nerve causes a sensation similar to that of an electric shock. Injury to the ulnar nerve may impair the function of the hand and may require surgical intervention. However, if detected early enough, it may resolve on its own without the need for surgery.

Treatment of ulnar nerve entrapment requires knowledge of upper-extremity anatomy. Initial treatment for ulnar nerve entrapment typically begins with a consultation with a primary care physician or mid-level practitioner. Occupational therapists are also trained to counsel patients about proper positional techniques and padding.

The ulnar nerve is one of the five terminal branches of the brachial plexus and provides motor and sensory innervation to the hand. It originates from the ventral rami of the c8 and t1 nerve roots. From there, the ulnar nerve travels behind the superior ulnar collateral artery to the forearm.

A Viable Choice for Repair of Ulnar Nerve Injury

The ulnar nerve is the distal continuation of the medial cord of the brachial plexus. It is derived from the nerve roots of C8 and T1. It often receives fibers from C7 through the lateral cord. A free vascularized ulnar nerve graft is a viable option for the repair of ulnar nerve injury.

Compression neuropathy can affect the ulnar nerve. The radial and median nerves also branch from the ulnar nerve. Paralysis of any of these three roots results in loss of motor supply in the ulnar nerve. Symptoms of ulnar nerve pain will depend on the location of the nerve.

Ulnar Nerve Injury Can Cause Deformities

Injury to the ulnar nerve may result in loss of sensation in the hand. Injuries to the ulnar nerve are most likely to occur in the wrist and elbow. The ulnar nerve can be severed or severly damaged, causing sensory or motor deficits. Injury to the ulnar nerve can be caused by local trauma, Guyon’s cyst or a fractured wrist. In long-term cases, ulnar nerve injury can result in a deformity known as an ulnar claw hand.

In severe cases, a  known as “claw hand”. Patients with this condition have hyperextension of the metacarpophalangeal joints and flexion of the fourth and fifth fingers. Depending on the location of the injury, it may also denervate the ulnar part of the flexor digitorum profundus.

The C8 nerve root emerges from the spinal cord, and it travels through the brachial plexus to feed the muscles of the hand and arm. It also provides sensation to the small finger side of the hand. The C1 nerve, located below the first thoracic vertebra, provides sensation to the arms and upper arm.


Woo, Alice, Karim Bakri, and Steven L. Moran. “Management of ulnar nerve injuries.” The Journal of hand surgery 40.1 (2015): 173-181.

Leechavengvongs, Somsak, et al. “Nerve transfer to biceps muscle using a part of the ulnar nerve in brachial plexus injury (upper arm type): a report of 32 cases.” The Journal of hand surgery 23.4 (1998): 711-716.

Dr Aline Wersey
Dr Aline Wersey
I work in the medical field as a doctor. I love sharing my knowledge with many people and the important thing why you should believe in me is that I am a specialist. Really love to read many journals.

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