Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Pectoralis Major Strain Injury – A pectoralis major strain is a serious injury that affects the chest muscles. It often occurs during strenuous exercise. You’ll notice visible muscle changes as well as bruising on the chest wall. A doctor may ask you to move your arm to determine the severity of the strain. An MRI or ultrasound scan can also confirm the injury. These procedures can help determine the extent of the damage and provide important information about the treatment process.

Severe Injury Require Surgery for Best Outcome

A pectoralis major strain is a severe injury that requires surgery for the best outcome. However, isolated tears of the pectoralis minor tendon typically require conservative treatment. Conservative treatments include rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medications. Your doctor may also prescribe an arm sling to provide more comfort. You may not need complete immobilization, and gentle non-resisted exercises are a good way to maintain the integrity of your shoulder. Avoid performing a series of movements that put stress on the injured area.

A pectoralis major strain typically occurs when the pectoralis muscle undergoes great tension. The most common cause of pectoral strain is the bench press maneuver, but it can also occur from repetitive lifting of heavyweights. Avoiding this injury by warming up beforehand and gradually increasing the weight and alternating exercises may also help avoid pectoral strain. If you suspect that you have a pectoral strain, consult a doctor as soon as possible. A strain can lead to more severe injuries, so it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible.

Fortunately, this injury is easily treatable. A professional sports medicine practitioner can help you recover from the pain and swelling. It doesn’t take long to heal with the right treatment. To start with, you should apply crushed ice to the affected area. You should also avoid activities that increase blood flow to the affected area. Using the arm excessively can cause the injury to prolong the recovery process. Most pectoralis major strains heal without any complications within a few weeks.

The Exact Cause of Pectralalis Primary Tension

A strain in the pectoralis major may be caused by a variety of reasons, including lifting too much weight or doing too many repetitions. It may also result in a musculotendinous junction strain. Ultimately, it’s important to understand the exact cause of your pectoralis major strain before seeking treatment. You can prevent pain by reducing the amount of strain in the pectoralis muscle.

The diagnosis of PMi injuries may be difficult to make based on history and physical examination alone. A doctor may use computerized tomography imaging to confirm a suspected injury. Different imaging modes help establish an accurate picture of the injury. MRIs include sagittal T2 fat-saturated imaging, coronal proton density fat saturation sequence imaging, and axial CT imaging. If an MRI confirms an injury, it’s most likely that the injury is a PMi.

In the event that the injury is caused by repetitive use of the pectoralis major, the doctor will most likely perform an MRI. In some cases, surgery is necessary. The pain caused by a pectoralis major strain may last a long time. The pain is more likely to recur if the injury is not treated soon. For more information, visit your doctor or a trusted fitness center.

Recovery Process for Pectoralis Major Tear

The recovery process for a pectoralis major tear starts with the initial steps of pain management and initiating range of motion exercises. In severe cases, a full recovery may take six months or more. A complete rehabilitation may take as long as a year. Depending on the severity of the tear, open surgery may be necessary. You may want to consult a sports doctor before undertaking any physical therapy. During the initial phase of rehab, the pain may worsen and you may experience a pocket above your arm pit. Immobilizing the arm, shoulder, and chest may be necessary until the damage is healed.

The symptoms of a pectoral strain can range from mild swelling on the arm to severe pain. Pain may also extend to the armpit and even neck. The patient will experience immediate pain when pushing and pulling. The affected muscle may feel weak or weakened when it is pushed in front of the body. It can also result in abnormal contour of the chest wall muscle. A strained pectoralis major muscle can also result in a heart attack or an upper-arm ailment.


Ohashi, K., et al. “MRI of complete rupture of the pectoralis major muscle.” Skeletal radiology 25.7 (1996): 625-628.

Sahota, Shawn, et al. “Pectoralis major injuries in the National Football League.” Sports health 12.2 (2020): 116-123.

Dr Aline Wersey
Dr Aline Wersey
I work in the medical field as a doctor. I love sharing my knowledge with many people and the important thing why you should believe in me is that I am a specialist. Really love to read many journals.

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