Saturday, February 22, 2025

How to Strengthen Your Pectoralis Major Muscle – The Pectoralis Major Muscle has multiple origins and insertions. This allows it to initiate various arm actions, including adducting and flexing toward the body. Its action is critical during climbing and forced breathing in physical distress. It also has multiple attachment sites. In this article, you’ll learn how to strengthen your pectoralis major muscle. We’ll also explore the importance of the Pectoralis Major Muscle and how to properly use this muscle.

Tearing the Pectoralis Major Muscle Causes Excessive Pain

Tearing a pectoralis major muscle can result in exaggerated pain, muscle tightness, and weakness. The worst-case scenario is when a complete tear occurs. This type of tear results in immediate pain but subsides quickly. This condition can result in substantial arm weakness and pain, and can require surgery. But before you begin the recovery process, you need to know what to expect. Here are a few tips to help you recover faster:

The anatomy of the Pectoralis Major Muscle is complex. The muscle originates from the clavicle and sternum and has variable contributions from coastal attachments inferior to the sternum. The clavicular head is the most superior unit of the pectoralis major muscle and is a single architectural segment arising from the medial half of the clavicle. The sternal head consists of six to seven segments arising from the sternum, the second to sixth costal cartilages, and the anterior manubrium.

In addition to the physical examination, an ultrasound of the pectoralis major muscle may also be helpful. Ultrasound can help visualize the ruptured muscle. Ultrasounds may also reveal hematomas. These are typically well-circumscribed. Ultrasound is also a cost-effective alternative to MRI for assessing pectoralis major muscle injuries. A pectoralis major muscle sprain is typically completely healed without complications within two to three weeks.

Treatment for Sprained Pectoralis Major

The treatment for a sprained or torn pectoralis major muscle varies depending on the severity of the injury and the amount of function of the muscle. In patients with limited function or elderly age, or who have only a partial tear in the muscle belly, nonsurgical management is recommended. Initial management with immobilization and strengthening exercises can provide an excellent functional outcome for most patients. The patient can resume daily activities after a period of immobilization. However, in patients who require full strength and function, surgical repair is recommended.

In recent decades, the frequency of pectoralis major muscle injuries has increased. The prevalence of this muscle injury is related to the increasing popularity of bench press exercises. The physiologic and pathologic findings of these injuries are vital for the timely and optimal management of pectoralis major injuries. The radiologist’s role is critical in characterizing the injuries. Imaging findings from a pectoralis major muscle sprain can be used to guide preoperative planning.

The origin of the pectoralis major and the pectoralis minor are different. The muscles are not symmetrical, and there is some overlap between them. In addition, the bicipital groove is one of the landmarks that aids in US evaluation. A common mistake people make is putting too much emphasis on the origin of the pectoralis major muscle, even though it is the most important one.

The Most Common Types of Pectoralis Major Injuries

The lateral pectoral nerve and the medial pectoral nerve innervate the clavicular head and the upper half of the muscle. The medial pectoral nerve, which is located directly below the teres major, innervates the lower and abdominal parts of the muscle. These two nerves are the main innervation centers of the muscle. Its function largely depends on the head of the muscle involved.

The anterior branch of the pectoralis major is responsible for maintaining the elbow on extension, and the posterior branch is responsible for drawing the scapula anteriorly. It also supports the humerus and takes a lateral course to the surgical neck. A full-thick pectoralis major injury also involves the clavicular head, which is responsible for maintaining a straight arm. This is the most common type of Pectoralis Major injury, so you’ll need to seek out a doctor if you suspect a tear in this muscle.


Kretzler, Harry H., and Allen B. Richardson. “Rupture of the pectoralis major muscle.” The American Journal of Sports Medicine 17.4 (1989): 453-458.

Provencher, CDR Matthew T., et al. “Injuries to the pectoralis major muscle: diagnosis and management.” The American Journal of Sports Medicine 38.8 (2010): 1693-1705.

Dr Aline Wersey
Dr Aline Wersey
I work in the medical field as a doctor. I love sharing my knowledge with many people and the important thing why you should believe in me is that I am a specialist. Really love to read many journals.

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